While planets are being colonized, two alien races are being encountered: The Aquans, fishlike creatures with beautifully streamlined spaceships and Sorylians, which are lizardlike, stoneold and slowly developing.
What has to happen, eventually happens: The War of first Contact. Lasting only few years, it brings death and destruction to all parties, finally resulting in strict borders without having produced a victor.
Few hundred years later, a Terran Navy Patrol encounters the Relthoza, an arachnid, proud warrior race who directly provoke a confrontation. The Relthoza succeed in raiding several terran planets, predicting doom to Terra if their borders would be crossed.
To be continued...
'nuff of reading, here's something to watch!
Part #1 of my Dindrenzi Fleet:
Fury Class Cruiser, Pack Leader
Callsign: Battleaxe
Hammer Class Frigate
Callsign: Holepunch
Galactic greetings,
I like this....a lot!