Friday, March 30, 2012

I'll be gone... (Updated)

This is going to be the last post for the next two weeks because I'll be invading France :)
Yay! Holidays :)

I've been working continously on my Panzer IV's in the last week. Now the camo-job is done, the decals are applied and this evening I finished the washing. This is the first time I used dilluted oil-paint instead of GW-Inks.
Well, I'm pretty happy I tried this. I use "balm-turpentine" to thin it down. It has quite some smell, but since it's getting warmer outside I can open the window. I have the feeling that this mixture runs along the recesses and edges far better than the ink.
The downside is: It takes quite a long time to dry. This is why I'm posting instead of painting :D
So here's my production chain (including my 2 already finished Italeri/Esci Panzers):

What will be next? Well, I've got a nearly finished Hasegawa Flak-Halftrack. To be honest, I'm not very eager to finish this. Vinyl tracks are my personal horror and the provided crew which is absolutely neccessary for such a vehicle is unusable (tooo ugly).
I ordered I light Flak-Crew from I've got no pictures of it, but I am very curious about the figures. Maybe that'll help getting on!

See you soon! Behave well and treat your mothers right!


Edit: Couldn't help... Pauls comment created a picture in my head.
I'd like to share it:


  1. "Parade will advance in review order with dressing by the right"

    "Parade advance!"

    Lovely quad of kits Mojo, perfect quality finish with beautiful ambush cam.

    Setting the standard mate!

    1. Hehe, thanks Paul!
      I'll show them in detail, when they're done ;)

  2. Very cool blog following! Love models but I only wish I was skilled enough to produce that level of detail lol!

  3. Great Job, Mojo! I'd be pleased to enter your battlefield and try to bazooka each one of them!
    (I did say try!)

  4. Fantastic work Mojo!
    What a nice photo ( ;-) ) of that period...

  5. Nice group, and well done. Congratulations!

  6. sweet, great job on the camo!



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