Monday, November 14, 2011

Memoir '44 Online

Hey folks...
I'm not dead yet :D Currently I don't have the nerves to get back to painting and glueing when I come home from work, so there's virtually no progress on the modelmaking front...

Instead I waste my time with the virtual kind of wargames, namely BF3, World of Tanks and Memoir '44 Online, which is what I'm blogging about today.

I came across this game after freshly installing my new computer and waiting for BF3. I downed Steam and looked around for some free games or demos to beat up time... I've seen Mem44 in some stores as a "real" game, so I thought why not give the online-Version a try :)

You can choose from lots of scenarios, after some fights you might unlock some more like this one:

You can choose to play against others in the web, or play on your own against an ai, which adapts to your skills (rolls dice better? Plays badass cards, tends to become more and more aggressive).

Basically there are three types of units: Infantry, Tanks and Artillery/Guns. Sometimes, you may get some special units, e.g. US Rangers, which have some special abilities (you might never have guessed this).

On each turn, you have to play one of the cards.

Most cards just say how many units you may use in a sector (left/middle/right). Others are more special like the DIG IN! or MOVE OUT! card, which adds some tactical finesse.

The phases are
"select units",

"move" and

"battle" (if you didn't move to far and have an enemy in range).

Depending on your selected unit, how far you moved and the distance to the enemy, the computer will roll a number of dice for you. (Here, he's the attacking one):

If the result matches your unit-type or a grenade, the rolled amount is being reduced from the attacked unit:

To make it a little harder, there are different kinds of terrain. For Example, my tanks are on top of some hills on the picture above which means -1 dice for the attacker or -1 movement if you want to move up or cross it. There are also things like beaches, woods, towns, bridges, barbed wire defences, sandbag emplacements, bunkers etc. etc. each with their own special options.

I'll stop talking here and will show you how the grey comrades of my grandpa Fritz (yep that's been his name) beat my ass up:

As Hermann gained 6 victory points (upper right corner), the game was over for me. I only managed to exterminate 3 of his units and got my three victory points.
If you like what you see, go check it out. It's free, its fun to play, it'll run on almost every computer.
Now folks, go get some and enjoy your hard times with Hermann or his Allied counterpart (or some 5-Star-General from across the globe).

Cheers, Mojo


  1. Thanks for that, hope the painting bug bites again soon.

  2. Didnt know there was an online version - I have the hardcopy and all the expansions and love it!


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